Author Archives: Louise Savoie
Discover the Amazing Benefits of Compounded Medications
Although pharmaceutical compounding has been around for a long time, it continues to grow in popularity as more people discover its many benefits. Simply put, a compounding pharmacy creates custom, individualized medications for patients who require hard to find medications or patients who are allergic to specific substances found in their prescribed medicine. As your … Continue reading
Medicine Cabinet Organizing Hacks
With the many stored medicines in your cabinet, it will be a bit of a hassle when you need to pick a specific medicine, but you get different ones in several attempts. As your neighbor pharmacy, we want to give you some tips on how to organize your medicine cabinet. Use color-coding. Give different colors to … Continue reading
Vitamin A and Its Function on Our Bodies
Carrots are said to help with one’s vision and promote sight. That is because of one micronutrient – vitamin A. However, that is not all the benefits vitamin A has for our bodies. And as a pharmacy, we will talk about what vitamin A has to offer for our health. Naturally occurring in different foods, vitamin … Continue reading
Patients Can Benefit from Compounded Medicines
Many healthcare providers and hospitals look for pharmaceutical solutions to ascertain the health and well-being of their clients for the long-term. For that reason, they work hand in hand with pharmacists, including (and especially) those that specialize in compounded drugs. Compounded drugs typically are not advertised commercially. However, they are available for purchase in a … Continue reading
Providers of Your Unique Medication Needs
It is one of our top priorities to provide people with easy access to their pharmaceutical needs, most especially when it comes to their medication. We understand how some of you struggle to find the medicine that is perfect for your health condition, here at Longwood Pharmacy, a trusted Pharmacy, we can provide you customized medicines through … Continue reading